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September 26, 2014

US Expatriate Mini Consultations and Reviews of Self Prepared Returns - Offshore Disclosure and Citizenship Surrender

What our CPA/Law Firm can do for US expatriates:

1. We  can review your self prepared expat returns or special international tax forms and provide you with suggestions, comments and corrects. This will help avoid potential IRS audits or problems.

2. If you are moving abroad, need to understand your personal expatriate tax or US international tax situation, we offer a mini consultation with an attorney that can give you guidance and resolve your questions. This consultation is subject to attorney/client privilege and its totally confidential.

3. Considering giving up your US Citizenship?  We have assisted over a hundred clients with this process and can provide you with guidance on all aspect of the legal and tax requirements, including assisting with the special required tax forms.

4. Haven't been filing your tax returns or special foreign tax forms (FBAR, Foreign Corp, etc) while living abroad?  Omitted your foreign income or failed to disclose foreign bank accounts to the IRS. We can help with the expertise and confidentiality of an Attorney/CPA.  We provide you with complete legal tax advice and can prepare all of the returns necessary to enter the IRS Offshore Disclosure Program or the new Streamlined Disclosure Programs (that can significantly reduce your penalties).

Email us if you need help at or visit our websites at or  

September 21, 2014

2014 California Tax Rates and Other Information

Many of our expat clients also pay taxes in California due to real estate, businesses, etc located in that state.  We also have many clients who have moved to California from abroad. The link below leads to a complete chart of the 2014 California Tax Rates and Other Information.


September 9, 2014

IRS OVDP vs. Streamlined: What To Do?

Read the great article below from Forbes in you are not certain whether to enter the  IRS Streamlined
 program or the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP).   Due to the new rules in the Streamlined program many can now enter that program which has significantly lower monetary penalties and much less paperwork.

Link to Forbes Article:

The disadvantage of the Streamlined Program is that it does not protect you from criminal prosecution and if you are rejected, your entire situation may be sent to the audit department and regular penalties may then be imposed which can be very high.

We have advised or represented in excess of a hundred clients in connection with the Streamlined program or the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program. We can advise you which program is best for you after you read the article above.

September 2, 2014


The US State Department has raised the fee they charge (for their costs) to surrender Citizenship from $450 to $2,350 effective 9/6/14.  If you are born here it costs nothing to become a citizen. This fee is in addition to the time and expense you must incur to file necessary forms with the IRS.